Borsa di studio


Learn how to identify and analyse propaganda in modern media, and understand how it can change our perception. Luiss Data Lab, partner of the European innovation hub MediaFutures, presents two new Media Literacy online events on 16th – 17th Febraury.

16 February 15:00 – 17:00 (CET) Tracking Propaganda narratives in media. This session will focus on conspiracy narratives and propaganda techniques, which have come to dominate our national and international political and social discourse like in no other time in modern history. It is therefore essential that we understand the operation of the conspiracy narrative, its psychological allure, political function, and devastating social consequences. The main purpose of this session is to engage in critical discourse on the way audiences are consuming news in a technology and mobile-driven era, and to learn how to apply best practices in new media organisations in a digital environment. Click here to register.


  • Gianni Riotta – Director of Data Lab and School of Journalism at “Luiss”
  • Craig Silverman – Journalist Pro Publica
  • Francesca Paci – Journalist La Stampa
  • Fabio Severino – CTO Traent
  • Costanza Sciubba Caniglia –  Editor and co-founder of the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review
  • Richard Kuchta – Former Project Coordinator, Democracy & Resilience

17 February 15:00 – 17:00 (CET) Future trends of technology in media and journalism. This session will guide you across the future trends of technology in media innovation, and will show how they are being embraced by media organisations, journalists and audiences. We will highlight the importance and value that data contains and will introduce participants to various databases and tools. An overview of visualisation techniques will also be given, in order to best present high quality information and fight disinformation and fake news. Click here to register.


  • Gianni Riotta – Director of Data Lab and School of Journalism at “Luiss”
  • Colin Porlezza – Senior Assistant Professor of Digital Journalism of USI
  • Marianna Bruschi – Digital editor Sky
  • Xiaoning Lyu – Founder of Viva la Vida
  • Jeremy Caplan – Director of Teaching and Learning at CUNY’s Newmark Graduate School of Journalism in New York City
  • David Gallagher – PR Advisor

For questions about MediaFutures online event, please email