With a career started at the Ansa in New York and a long experience in China as an MF correspondent (from China he also wrote for Panorama, l’Espresso, Il Venerdì di Repubblica and collaborated with Presa Diretta), back in Italy works as a manager of the China Desk of Class Editori, where he leads among other things the insights on financial markets for Class Cnbc and he is responsible for the windows on stock exchanges and markets for the Tg5 and for the Tg of La7. In collaboration with the Italian Foreign Ministry, she leads the Italian diplomatic newsletter Esteri NewsDossier, which takes her to many countries where Italian Development Cooperation is present, including Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Israel and Palestine. She still works with Terre des Hommes, an NGO that focuses on the status of women and education. Among his most recent books are Fozza Cina (Baldini&Castoldi, 2017), Cronaca di un disastro non annunciato and Annozero d.C, both released for Chiarelettere in 2020. Among the awards that have been awarded the Globe for Journalism in the context of the International Festival of Travel Literature and the International Good Practices Award, received by the European Parliament and News Reminder and the Amerigo prize, received at the US Consulate in Florence. On Linkedin he runs the #3fattori section, in which he explains in simple language the elements that will characterize the financial, economic and geopolitical day. From his #3fattori a daily Podcast was born.

Mariangela Pira