Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Statistics, where he is currently responsible for the Survey on Household Consumption Expenditure and for the address on methodologies and production outputs of the IT-Silc survey on Income and Living Conditions. The two surveys provide the main indicators on poverty in Italy, as well as behaviors, profiles and levels of consumption and income of Italian families.

As part of its activity, ISTAT also conducted other sample surveys on families and individuals, such as those on the transition from school to university to work and on private expenditure on education, and surveys on income, work and living conditions of families and the population.

The professional and research experience has developed both on the analytical and methodological level, with particular reference to socio-economic issues, related to the economics of education and the evaluation of the education system; to the process of income formation and economic inequality; to discrimination; and to methodological aspects, such as sampling, data control and correction, production of sample estimates and sampling error.

The institutional activity is supported and integrated by numerous university teaching positions, collaborations with other research institutes, participation in research groups, participation in international cooperation projects and numerous scientific publications.

Since 2010 he has held several courses in Statistics, Economic Statistics and Social Statistics at the European University of Rome.

Eligible for National Scientific Qualification, Associate Professor, sector 13/D2 – Demography and Social Statistics.

Eligible for National Scientific Qualification, Associate Professor, sector 13/D3 – Demography and Social Statistics.

Eligible for the national public competition for Research Manager, first professional level, at the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Educational System of Instruction and Training (INVALSI).

Andrea Cutillo