Graduated in Economics at the SAA in Turin, he obtained the International Master in Sport Management (University of Parma and San Marino). Winner of the Marcella Novo and Alberto Madella Scholarships. After working at Juventus FC and Lega Serie A, in May 2011 he joined the FIGC, within the Research Center. In 2014 he held the role of Bid Dossier Coordinator for the FIGC candidacy for the 2020 European Championships, and in 2016 he was appointed Project Manager for the candidacy for the 2019 Under-21 European Championships. In January 2016 he became Head of the Research Center, Special Initiatives and Corporate Social Responsibility Office (and subsequently of the Development and Social Responsibility Area of the Football Federation), in June 2017 he joined the UEFA HatTrick Commission and in July 2019 he was appointed Head of Research and Development of the FIGC. He is the author, with Michele Uva and Gianfranco Teotino, of the book “Il Calcio Conta”. He collaborated with the same authors for the book “Il Calcio ai tempi dello spread”, with Michele Uva and Marco Vitale for the book “Viaggio nello sport italiano” and with Emilio Faroldi and Guglielmo Cammino for the essay “Architettura dello sport: progettazione costruzione gestione delle infrastrutture sportive”.
Niccolò Donna